Critical Media Literacy & Understanding What is Media Literacy is Essential. For Details E-Mail:

What is Media Literacy?

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication. Media literacy means anything from interpreting emojis to understanding underlying messages in online advertisements to producing viral video content and recognizing native advertising.

While media literacy sounds like a practical skill understood by everyone with internet access, it’s astounding how many online users are unaware of their impact on others and their own susceptibility to media manipulation.

Key Concepts About Media Literacy

1. All media are constructions. This is arguably the most important concept. The media do not simply reflect external reality. Rather, they present carefully crafted constructions that reflect many decisions and are the result of many determining factors.

2. Audiences negotiate to mean in the media. The media provide us with much of the material upon which we build our picture of the reality, and we all "negotiate" meaning according to individual factors: personal needs and anxieties, the pleasures or troubles of the day, racial and sexual attitudes, family and cultural background, and so forth.

3. Media have social and political implications. The media have a great influence on politics and on forming social change. Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of the image. The media involve us in concerns such as civil rights issues, famines in Africa, and the AIDS epidemic. They give us an intimate sense of national issues and global concerns.

4. Media messages contain ideological and value messages. All media products are advertising in some sense proclaiming values and ways of life. The mainstream media convey, explicitly or implicitly, ideological messages about such issues as the nature of the good life, the virtue of consumerism, the role of women, the acceptance of authority, and unquestioning patriotism.

5. Each medium has a unique aesthetic form. Just as we notice the pleasing rhythms of certain pieces of poetry or prose, so ought we be able to enjoy the pleasing forms and effects of the different media.

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